Sunday, August 19, 2007

in terms of something; in something terms

with respect to; in relation to; with regard to the particular aspect specified; as regard something; from the basis of something; used to show how something is explained, described or judged:

The job is great in teams of salary but there are disadvantages.

Let us consider the problem in political terms.

In terms of money, it’s a great job.

He judges everyone in terms of his own standards.

The President's Cancer Panel issues a report every year that focuses on one aspect of what is happening in the United States in terms of cancer.

In energy terms, this new power station can produce ten times as much as the old type.

The most serious lack, in terms of what we know, is what motivates people to live a healthier lifestyle.

On the basis of, according to, in proportion to

They give promotion (according to/ in terms of) the length of service.

Oxford advanced Learner’s Dictionary

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