Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wags and hoodies enter dictionary

It is hard to imagine a world without them and now words like "hoodie", "wag" and "man-bag" are to enter the Collins English Dictionary.

The publication's 9th edition includes hundreds of words which have entered the English language in recent years.

From the world of fashion the controversial dress-size "size-zero" appears, as does "pro-ana" - those who believe anorexia is a lifestyle choice.

Environmental concern has resulted in phrases like "carbon-offsetting".

As a result of the obsession with health words are included such as "brainfood", which describes foods containing nutrients thought to assist brain function, and "man flu".


The cult of celebrity sees the inclusion of "celebutantes", describing young, wealthy women who become celebrities, and "wags", the wives and girlfriends of footballers.

Many of the new words are scientific or technological including "plasma screen" televisions, "Tamiflu", and "wiki", an internet tool which enables users to edit content on a website - the term derives from the Hawaiian wiki-wiki, meaning quick.

Shorthand for world events and issues have also entered the lexicon with "7/7", "Beslan", referring to the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis in Russia and "Gitmo", slang for Guantanamo Bay, all entering the dictionary for the first time.

Other new words include "radicalising" and "Londonistan" - a reference to the UK capital being a base for radical Islamists.

A 2.5 billion-word database keeps tabs on the English language from books, newspapers, magazines, journals, websites and transcripts of radio and television programmes.

The 9th edition of the dictionary, published on Monday, will be available in print, online, on mobiles and as a desktop application.

BBC News

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